Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Let it go

I have worked at my present job for close to 17 years.  I have had the same classroom for all of those years.  Now for a variety of reasons, I am being asked to change classrooms.  My initial reaction was one of resistance.  But then, because I really didn't have a choice in the matter, there wasn't much to do but embrace it....  I think I have. I have measured and made plans and actually been excited about being in a new space...with new energy.  There has been talk about when the move will take place...and as usual that is ever changing.  Today, a coworker came into my room at the end of the day, opening closets and issuing edicts about things that need to be packed, things that needed to be thrown away...dates changing etc.  I will admit to you that it got under my skin a little.  Later on, I was in the front of the building and the move was being discussed again...and this time I was poppping bubble wrap at a frenetic pace..and my coworker said something to the effect that I should go home and write some words about how change is good and I believe she went on with this thought.  I am trying to decide if there was sarcasm in that tone.  I don't know if she's ever read this blog or not.....or if it was just something she picked up from other conversations.

Let me be perfectly clear about something.  I am not....in any way.... perfect. I don't have it all figured out.  I am not happy and serene all the time.   I struggle with the stuff of life....the annoying little details....just like everyone else.  What I am doing is trying to inspire myself to be a better person, to live a better life, to remember what is truly important.  If I inspire any of you along the way.....well that just makes it even better.
So, I took offense to that suggestion.  But I thought about it anyway.  What I reacted unfavorably to today was the not being given credit for having a bit of common sense and for being patronized.

 I have thought this situation through. I know what needs to be done.  It will all get done, and I believe that the interaction that occurred today didn't really need to happen in that way....but it's over...and I am moving on.  I have vented...and you have listened, or  not...and I am moving on.  I have grown to love my coworker...even though, there are times like this that I do briefly contemplate a heinous crime.  What it is...is all the annoying little occurrences of life, that tend to usurp all of our attention and energy.  It was annoying and a little bit stressful...but in the scheme of things...so unimportant .  I will let it go, let it roll right off my shoulder...and I will walk through the door tomorrow at work having cast off the burden of this day....and ready to face all the challenges of tomorrow.  I do have change ahead of me....but I am ready for it....I have been through so much change recently, that it's more the rule than the exception.  I work with some phenomenal people, and together we will get through this change.

So what photo to accompany this posting????  I chose one that shows that my staff works well together to get things done when  necessary....so thankful to be going through all of this change with such great people!!

"Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered by your old nonsense."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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